blog – Vishvas Foundation Official website of Vishvas Foundation, Panchkula Tue, 06 Jun 2023 15:47:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 blog – Vishvas Foundation 32 32 230944583 Benefits of Meditation Tue, 06 Jun 2023 15:40:03 +0000

They do send certain spurts at regular intervals which are always misunderstood, for e.g. sudden backache or cervical spondylitis, headaches, migraines etc. which are/may be due to the sudden spurts of energy produced by solar plexuses or related plexuses. In a nutshell, the root cause of the diseases is the mismanagement of energy due to various factors- dietary, emotional, developmental or environmental. So how does one deal with this?

The word ‘meditation’ comes from the word ‘medication’ or ‘medicine’, which means ‘to cure’. 

Swami Vishvas Ji explains, “Meditation creates, calms, strengthens and energizes. Given a restful period of time in which to regroup, the body tunes and realigns itself thoroughly.”

Vishvas Meditation is a very scientific process that maintains a regular flow of energy in the body, bringing all the chemicals and hormones of the body into complete balance, hence enhancing the recovery and healing process. This simple and scientific process regulates the flow of energy, harnesses the hidden sources of energy and activates the energy plexuses, automatically controlling the whole body mechanism in people doing regular practice.

After that, the extra energy you feel inside yourself, can be devoted to Human-Service. It is very interesting to understand this and if followed at mass-scale, can result in a stress free, developed and beautiful society.This will give a different kind of peace and bliss. If followed regularly, it will not only make you stress free, tension free but altogether a different personality.
As Swami Ji adds, “Besides generating good health, meditation creates awareness and awakening, providing all round physical, mental and emotional development.”

Vishvas Meditation has innumerable health benefits

Vishvas Meditation is the key to mind-body maintenance and integration.
Vishvas Meditation is an instant medicine – a natural medicine, having no side effects at all. It is a natural tonic for the heart, lungs, liver, digestive system, immune system and chronic pains etc. Moreover, it is an instant source of inner peace, joy, tranquility and a tonic for shining good health.
Though it may look like the meditator is just sitting idle, not doing anything. But in reality there is tremendous accomplishment and progress in the body and mind when you meditate.

On the Physical Level:

Vishvas Meditation is a fitness regimen for the whole body as it increases vitality and promotes self-healing, strengthening the immune and digestive systems, heart, lungs etc.
  • Develops higher skin resistance. Low skin resistance is correlated with higher stress and anxiety levels. Vishvas Meditation minimizes and controls stress, tensions, hypertension, high blood pressure, panic, anxiety, anger, reactions, insomnia, diabetes – all mental as well as heart diseases.
  • Increases immunity; boosts healing, resistance and repair mechanisms of the body.
  • Increases vitality and rejuvenation. Quicker recovery from wounds.
  • Relaxes the entire nervous system. Relaxes muscles. Reduces and controls migraine headaches, cervical spondylitis etc. Makes you feel light, weightless and completely relaxed.
  • Reduces the intensity of pain, lessens tension and stiffness in ankles, knees and thighs. Reduces arthritis.
  • Reduces infertility and impotency. Increases fertility.
  • Diminishes symptoms of PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)
  • Reduces free radicals i.e. unstable molecules that can cause tissue damage. They are now thought to be a major factor in ageing and many diseases.
  • Results in deeper and slower breathing. Reduces crises asthma, emphysema and chronic pulmonary disease.
  • Results in younger biological age. On standard measures of ageing, long term meditators are younger than their chronological age. Prolongs life expectancy.

On the Mental Level:

 Vishvas Meditation cleanses the mind, releasing all physical and emotional stress and opens the floodgates of love, contentment, peace and joy that lies buried under the blanket of unnecessary thoughts the mind is filled with.
  • Increases coherence and harmony of brain activity. Harmony of brain wave activity in different parts of the brain is associated with greater creativity, improved moral reasoning and higher I.Q.  Sharpens intellect and mental skills.
  • Enhances concentration power, contemplation power, thinking power, memory power and fitness power.
  • Increases alpha rhythms, transforming negative or stagnant energy into positive, life-affirming energy, resulting in enhanced clarity, focus, right thinking, strong will power, optimism, fearlessness, perseverance, determination and a decision making mind.
  • Heightens energy levels and work potential. Reduces absenteeism at work and better grades at school.
  • Eliminates negative emotions such as fear, anger, reactions, outrage, disappointment, depression, feelings of loneliness and isolation, irritability and moodiness, emotional turmoil etc.
  • Supports in kicking addictions and other self defeating behaviors. Complements psychotherapy and other approaches in the treatment of addiction.
  • Increases self understanding and self acceptance. Helps to heal alienation from others and the world at large. Develops self love, providing immense self confidence.
  • Develops a deeper understanding of who you are and who you may become, helping you discover where your true nature and abilities lie.

 On the Emotional Level:

 Vishvas Meditation is not just concerned with partial growth. It is concerned with you as a whole, helping you to  become aware and awakened, transforming you naturally.
  • Develops emotional strength and stability, cultivating positive inner states such as love, bliss (ananda), joy, kindness, patience, tolerance and compassion for the suffering of others.
  • Releases all negativities such as stress, worries, ego, reactions, jealousies, complexes, regrets and grudges, hence enhancing your bliss and balance, happiness and harmony, ease and equanimity.
  • Increases Sense of Acceptability. Helps in handling repressed memories. Relief from painful intrusive memories.
  • Awakens to the present moment making you live in the ‘present’ rather than in the past or future. Frees one from unreasonable expectations. Eliminates peer pressure.
  • Helps you get rid of all negating habits such as unnecessary criticism and judgments of self and others. Develops harmonious relationships with co-workers, family and friends. Reduces fragmentation in families.
  • Vishvas Meditation is a great family activity that helps seniors make the best of their lives and helps kids grow into adults with a more positive outlook.
  • Builds perennial inner peace and satisfaction that external circumstances cannot shake or disturb, come what may! You begin to move through the ups and downs of life courageously and peacefully, making your life richer and more fulfilled.
  • Brings expansion of awareness in the heart and mind, developing the capacity to understand fully every event in your life as it happens. You begin to understand that our home- our beautiful universe is changeable or impermanent by its very nature. You begin to understand, appreciate and make peace with the passing show of the world.
  • Helps in achieving ultimate purpose of human life – Self Actualization.


  True Love is the Other Name of Meditation

Swami Vishvas Ji states, “Materialism alone is unfulfilling, unless combined with the inner quest that provides the real answers. The world may not give us everything we want. People, philosophies, societies may disappoint us. But the love and peace we are looking for is right within us. Remember, love which is merely an emotion or a state of mind is dependant on external circumstances. As the external events alter, so does your happiness. But love that comes from the inner realms is eternal, provides unshakeable peace, the outer world not having much of an influence there. True love is the other name of Meditation that enables us to love ourselves better, forgive and forget more easily and serve our fellow human beings, our Mother Land and co-exist in harmony with the international community.”

Hence, meditation is indispensable in modern times for good health, mental peace and emotional strength.

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Is Meditation for Me? Tue, 06 Jun 2023 15:35:04 +0000

People often have queries regarding their Lifestyle, Wardrobe, Eating Habits, Age Limit, Posture in meditation, Best Timings for meditation etc. Here we clear all your doubts.

 Age Limit / Lifestyle / Wardrobe / Eating Habits

Vishvas Meditation, as propagated by Swami Vishvas Ji is a natural, simple, secular and a very scientific process, having no side effects at all.It is meant for all- irrespective of age, caste, creed, sect, religion, color, background, status, lifestyle or eating habits.

 There is no suppression or discrimination in the world of Vishvas Meditation

 Vishvas Meditation can be taken up by everyone and equally benefits everyone:

  • Whether you are a child, teenager, an adult or a senior.
  • Whether you are a student, an athlete, artist, teacher, writer, scientist, sportsman, or a simple housewife.
  • Whether you are looking for a deeper meaning in life or just a healthy, stress-free life.
  • No matter what your lifestyle, profession, eating habits or wardrobe is – you can be a vegetarian or a non vegetarian, you can practice it in your blues jeans, t-shirt, Nike shoes, bathrobe or a business suit! You do not need to suppress or repress your lifestyle, eating habits etc. in order to take up meditation.

Let meditation do for you what you cannot

Swami Vishvas Ji explains, “Suppression is a Sin in Life! The moment you suppress yourself of something, your mind begins to crave for it all the more. Such is the nature of the mind. Remember, meditation is NO struggle with the mind. Meditation is not suppression. Meditation is self- awakening and awareness. Simply ADD meditation to your life and all the other qualities will automatically follow. Let meditation do for you what you cannot!”

Vishvas Meditation is not about Suppression, Conversion or Change. Vishvas Meditation is about Transformation.

Meditation is a subject of Vibrations (alpha rhythms). Here, we talk about the Posture and Timings etc. that will help you maintain the vibrations and spiritual energy generated during meditation, speeding up your inner growth.

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Posture & Timings Tue, 06 Jun 2023 15:21:01 +0000

Meditation is a subject of Vibrations (alpha rhythms). Here, we talk about the Posture and Timings etc. that will help you maintain the vibrations and spiritual energy generated during meditation, speeding up your inner growth.

  • Sitting in cross legged position is beneficial. This is called the circular posture that allows the spiritual energy called ‘Chetna Shakti’ to flow freely up the spine, which is an important aspect of meditation- it happens automatically in meditation. For those who cannot sit with legs crossed (due to pains, physical injury, backache or simply age factor) can use a chair as it will be more comfortable for them.
  • However, meditation in sitting posture may not be possible everywhere, as in school or at work, but that does not mean that you deny yourself its benefits. It makes work more enjoyable and enhances performance if you devote a few minutes to Vishvas Meditation during short breaks. For this, chair meditation is ideal. (For more details, read the article ‘Chair Meditation‘).
  • You can even meditate while lying down in bed, making it more comfortable than the seated posture, especially for those who are not in the best physical shape. (For more details, read ‘Meditation in Bed‘).      
  • The two timings that are best for meditation are morning (before sunrise) and evening (during sunset).
    Swami Vishvas Ji explains,
     “Meditation is a subject of vibrations-alpha rhythms. These are the timings when the cosmos has maximum vibrations and there is least effect of gravitational pull on your body, allowing the flow of energy upwards with greatest ease. However, if these timings do not fit your schedule, you will have to choose a time best suited for yourself. You may follow the basic guidelines of sitting before starting your day’s work as that is the time when the mind is fresh and not cluttered with too many thoughts, or after the day is over as it will dispel all the tiredness that the body has gathered through the day – freeing the mind of unwanted thoughts, burden and worries.”
    • However, it does not mean that you cannot meditate during the day. Of course, you can! You can even meditate before going to bed. That will help you stay connected with your origin, inner depths and inner consciousness, making you enjoy a sound and rejuvenating sleep. Meditation is the best medicine to enjoy a good night’s sleep. (Also read article,’Meditation in Bed’).
    • Time is the crucial factor. Ideally, your energy peak and your free time should coincide. In other words, it is better to meditate during times of peak energy. If you are in an energy slump due to exertion, you may just fall asleep. If that happens, do not get disappointed. It just signifies that you were in a tired state, either mentally or physically and needed rest. Meditation first dispels all the tiredness, providing you complete relaxation which may result in sleep. As you progress in meditation, you will gain awakening and energy.
  • Adults can begin with 15 to 20 minutes twice a day or for half-an- hour at a stretch, depending on the comfort level. Children can start with seven to eight minutes twice a day. Gradually, increase sittings to 45 minutes, an hour in a day or even longer, again depending on your comfort level.
    • Instruct the people around you to respect your meditation time.
    • For a quick reduction in stress, increase the length of your meditation. Expand your awareness day by day. It will give more balance and harmony to your life.
    • A regular meditation routine is prescribed for people with health problems which are basically imbalances of internal forces.
    • Meditation at random times each day is better than no meditation, but it is not ideal either. A regular schedule is best for a calm mind and good health.

As Swami Ji states, “In the beginning, you may not know why it’s important to meditate regularly. But  soon, you will realize what a wondrous thing it is!”

  There is no limit to this amazingly vast subject. The more you explore, the more you procure. Vishvas Meditation is the most natural,  original and simplest form of meditation, having no side effects at all, as this meditation process is a non-doing state.

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