Posture & Timings

Meditation is a subject of Vibrations (alpha rhythms). Here, we talk about the Posture and Timings etc. that will help you maintain the vibrations and spiritual energy generated during meditation, speeding up your inner growth.

  • Sitting in cross legged position is beneficial. This is called the circular posture that allows the spiritual energy called ‘Chetna Shakti’ to flow freely up the spine, which is an important aspect of meditation- it happens automatically in meditation. For those who cannot sit with legs crossed (due to pains, physical injury, backache or simply age factor) can use a chair as it will be more comfortable for them.
  • However, meditation in sitting posture may not be possible everywhere, as in school or at work, but that does not mean that you deny yourself its benefits. It makes work more enjoyable and enhances performance if you devote a few minutes to Vishvas Meditation during short breaks. For this, chair meditation is ideal. (For more details, read the article ‘Chair Meditation‘).
  • You can even meditate while lying down in bed, making it more comfortable than the seated posture, especially for those who are not in the best physical shape. (For more details, read ‘Meditation in Bed‘).      
  • The two timings that are best for meditation are morning (before sunrise) and evening (during sunset).
    Swami Vishvas Ji explains,
     “Meditation is a subject of vibrations-alpha rhythms. These are the timings when the cosmos has maximum vibrations and there is least effect of gravitational pull on your body, allowing the flow of energy upwards with greatest ease. However, if these timings do not fit your schedule, you will have to choose a time best suited for yourself. You may follow the basic guidelines of sitting before starting your day’s work as that is the time when the mind is fresh and not cluttered with too many thoughts, or after the day is over as it will dispel all the tiredness that the body has gathered through the day – freeing the mind of unwanted thoughts, burden and worries.”
    • However, it does not mean that you cannot meditate during the day. Of course, you can! You can even meditate before going to bed. That will help you stay connected with your origin, inner depths and inner consciousness, making you enjoy a sound and rejuvenating sleep. Meditation is the best medicine to enjoy a good night’s sleep. (Also read article,’Meditation in Bed’).
    • Time is the crucial factor. Ideally, your energy peak and your free time should coincide. In other words, it is better to meditate during times of peak energy. If you are in an energy slump due to exertion, you may just fall asleep. If that happens, do not get disappointed. It just signifies that you were in a tired state, either mentally or physically and needed rest. Meditation first dispels all the tiredness, providing you complete relaxation which may result in sleep. As you progress in meditation, you will gain awakening and energy.
  • Adults can begin with 15 to 20 minutes twice a day or for half-an- hour at a stretch, depending on the comfort level. Children can start with seven to eight minutes twice a day. Gradually, increase sittings to 45 minutes, an hour in a day or even longer, again depending on your comfort level.
    • Instruct the people around you to respect your meditation time.
    • For a quick reduction in stress, increase the length of your meditation. Expand your awareness day by day. It will give more balance and harmony to your life.
    • A regular meditation routine is prescribed for people with health problems which are basically imbalances of internal forces.
    • Meditation at random times each day is better than no meditation, but it is not ideal either. A regular schedule is best for a calm mind and good health.

As Swami Ji states, “In the beginning, you may not know why it’s important to meditate regularly. But  soon, you will realize what a wondrous thing it is!”

  There is no limit to this amazingly vast subject. The more you explore, the more you procure. Vishvas Meditation is the most natural,  original and simplest form of meditation, having no side effects at all, as this meditation process is a non-doing state.

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